For me the best part about traveling is the exchange and connecting with each other. It's about learning and passing on what I've learned. While I am living life on the bike, I share my experiences on different platforms to inspire others.

My recent movie project "ON HER OWN" about my trip the North Cape is on my YouTube channel. Also you can find an old interview about my trip through South America there (in German). 

My routes are public on my Strava profile. Here you can find statistics, pictures and maps.

To connect on a business level, follow along or add me on LinkedIn

My digital diary & main community is on Instagram

More blogs & recommendations: 

Besides my own blog I have been part of a women's collective for cycling. You can find all kinds of valuable content, inspiration, community stories on The Women All Ride

Looking for more bikepacking specific information? Check out is the digital bible for all people who love bike adventures around the globe. Stacked with inspiration for all sorts of off- and on-road bikepacking adventures. 

Deutsche Bikepacking Inhalte findet ihr bei Martin Moschek a.k.a. Bike Tour Global, der sowohl über Ultradistanzrennen als auch Langzeitreisen berichtet und eine sehr umfangreiche Plattform geschaffen hat. Hier lohnt es sich immer reinzuschauen, um viele spannende Geschichten und sowie hands-on Erfahrungsberichte zu finden! Große Empfehlung.

Collaborations & press:

Besides digital content I also want to spread my story in other ways. Here you can find an overview of different articles. If you are interested in publishing an interview with me, feel free to reach out anytime!  Requests via e-mail:

I am incredibly happy & thankful to be supported by long-term partnerships of outdoor and cycling companies I trust in. Besides high quality products, teamwork and the trust, I see these brands as multiplicators, mentors and fellow cyclists by my side. If you are interested in working with me, in brand building and affiliate marketing, feel free to get in touch anytime. 

Ideas? Recommenations? Want to say hello? 

Leave me a message: